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Tourist Magazine March 1956

1. Page numbers begin with the cover.
2. The following is broken into page numbers with links to the advertisements and photographs on each page.
3. This publication had many typographical errors, which only a few were corrected
4. Corrections follow the error in brackets.]

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CUBA AIRGUIDE .. [Cover] [To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]

Visit Cuba-Land of Gaiety!

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Hotel Vedado advertisement

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Vol. 3, MARCH, 1956 No. 3
Publisher:   MIGUEL M. FOX


Havana Sketches.................5
Visit the Isle of Pines.........12
The Havana Zoo................19
Havana by Night................23
Tourist Supplement............35

[To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]
 [people dining] [two chorus girls] [drawing of men fishing]

[To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]

Marta Veliz, Vedette

Published monthly by "Organizacion de Revistas y Publicaciones Asociadas".  Editorial and advertising offices: Avenida 7A No. 663 ent. Ave. de los Oficiales y Calle 1, Buenavista, Marianao, Havana, Cuba.  Telephone: B-8951.  Entered as Second Class Matter at the Post Office at Havana, Cuba.  Price per copy: $0.15/ Subscription: $1.50 per year.


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El Encanto Ad

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-- [no caption -- Ship entering harbor]


AT first, we had thought about adding on a fictitious ending and making a story about of it, but finally we decided to pass it on just as we heard it.  We were at an art gallery in the Cathedral Square, where there is a certain sea-scape that we yearn for, and will some day–but that is quite a different story.  Anyway, we were at this art gallery, and as is not uncommon, the talk had swung to topics distantly, if at all, related to art.  As a matter of fact, it was about witchcraft and allied topics that the Uruguayan painter, the Havana pharmacologist and ourselves were talking.  The painter had just told us about the time in Brazil that a painting of his, on native cult motifs, almost became an object of veneration by some natives who saw it through an open window; and the pharmacologist smiled and told us his story:

"My wife," he began, "has a silver jewel case that I gave her when we were engaged.  It's a beautiful piece of filigree work, and worth a lot more than what I paid for it, which was $78.  She never heard about how I raised the money for it until well after we were married, though: I didn't want to have her get a bad impression, especially since at that time what I most wanted was to impress her favorably.  Young love, you know.

"Anyway, this is how I got the money: On my way to classes at the University, I used to take a short-cut through the Quinta de los Molinos, the University of Havana's experimental farm.  One day I saw three cents, three copper pennies, lying on the path.  Naturally, I picked them up and put them in my pocket.  The next day, once again there were the three coins on the path; three more copper pennies, I mean.  Again, I picked them up and pocketed them, but this time I mentioned the matter to one of my classmates, saying that it was certainly an unusual coincidence.

"My classmate laughed, and asked me if I really didn't know what the coins meant.  When he saw that I didn't, he told me that it was part of the Ñañigo rite to make an offering of three copper coins to one of the rite's deities, and that I had, in effect, been plundering an altar, since the path obviously had some religious aura attached; at least, since the Quinta de los Molinos is the only large tract of wooded land left in the heart of Havana, that was what seemed most likely, that it was the scene of some Ñañigo rites.  He added that if I were

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Bacardi advertisement

superstitious (not that he was, of course) perhaps I should leave the coins right there.

I didn't take his advice.  Instead, I took the three cents every day.  Or rather, I took the three cents every time I found them; for some days I would find them not only I the morning on my way to classes, but also in the afternoon, and sometimes, on one of the big Ñañigo feasts, I suppose, I would find several offerings, each one consisting of the inevitable three coins.  Well, time went by, and after a while, the box I kept the coins in (for I never spent them, but just kept chucking them into a box with no fixed purpose in mind) was a comfortably full.  Then one day I remembered that my fiancee's saint's-day was coming up, and went out shopping for a present for her.  I saw the jewel case in a shop window, liked it and bought it.  I don't think the jeweler had ever seen so many pennies in his life.

"After we were married I told my wife the story, but it didn't seem to worry her.  Every now and then, though, when she speaks about the case, she calls it her witch-case."

That was all there was to the story, he insisted in spite of our pleas for a dramatic ending.  As we said before, we had though of adding an ending to the story, something about their house being broken into on the eve of some big cult festival, and only the box being taken, with three copper cents being left in its place, but on thinking it over, we decided to leave it as he told it.  Not only is it true it seems to make a better story that way too.

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Tasca advertisement

One of the minor mysteries of life in Havana had just been solved for us, and we pass the solution on to you, in case you were ever puzzled by the same thing as we were.  Every now and then, passing by certain shops or office buildings downtown, the steady ringing of a bell caught out attention.  It never intrigued us too much, and we were content to make up spur-of-the-moment explanations (burglar-alarms, short-circuits in the phone system, calls for messenger boys, private telegraph systems were some of the less fanciful ones) and let it go at that.  Recently, however, we began to hear the bell ringing near the spot where a friend has his office, and we asked him about it.  Did he know what it meant?  Certainly; hadn't we noticed that wherever the bell was to be heard, there was always a coffee stand close by?   Well, what the bell meant was simply that a fresh batch of coffee was being brewed.  So if you ever are downtown and hear what sounds like a stuck telephone, just step right up and invest three cents (there's that phrase again) in a delicious cup of pipping hot café solo.

The other day, in the elevator going up to our office our attention was attracted by two girls, one a doctor, who were animatedly speaking to each other in fluent French.  At least one of them was a Cuban: a Spanish phrase she used was much too colloquial to have been used by a foreigner.  Intrigued, we started doing some checking up on the subject of languages in Havana.  Well, to begin with, at least

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Grant's Whisky advertisement

two radio stations do most of their transmitting in English; there are radio programs in Arabic, Yiddish and Chinese to be heard daily.  Newspapers are published in English, Chinese and Yiddish, and several magazines come out in the various Spanish regional dialects.  But probably the most typical sign of Havana's polyglottism is to be seen in hundreds of local shops and establishments: grocery, beauty shop, insurance company, and dozens of others are not exactly Spanish.  So far, no tea shoppe, though.

From the Havana Post: "Beautiful room with lavatory, will rent to American gentleman, very cool."  As the New Yorker might say, only hep-cats need apply?

It would sem that the tourist trade is one of Havana's oldest businesses.  According to a recently published article, among the fifty persons or so who made up Havana's population when it was founded in 1514, fourteen were temporary visitors.  To equal that proportion nowadays, there would have to be some 250,000 tourists in Havana at any given time.

What does one eat in Havana?  (We shall pay no attention to those of our friends who claim that we subsist almost exclusively on a diet of hamburgers and coffee: we haven't had a hamburger in two months).  Most visitors to Havana stick pretty much to the standard standby of steak and potatoes, with occasional excursions into the field of seafood, especially Morro crabs.  This is a pity, for Havana restaurants feature dozens of dishes

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Club 21 advertisement

which are both typical and delicious.  What would we suggest as a typical Havana-style meal?  Well, there's always arroz con pollo and arroz con mariscos (rice with chicken and rice with seafood) and lechon asado, roast suckling pig, but these are individual dishes rather than complete meals, which are what we're interested in.  A quick survey taken among our friends has resulted in a unanimous difference of opinion: not two agreed on the same meal, but from the various suggestions they made we have presumed to extract two menus which are about as typical as anything you can get in Havana, and can be gotten at just about every restaurant in town, except, possibly the swankier ones, which are apt to find them perhaps a trifle too common.  Common they may be: delicious they certainly are.  Menu one starts off with ajiaco, a thick vegetable soup that has in virtually every edible plant and tuber in Cuba; pumpkin, tomato, yam, sweet potato, and anything else that may be at hand, plus beef, salt pork and sundry other seasonings; in short, a sort of vegetable chowder.  It may be eaten straight, like soup, or you can add plain white rice to it and eat it as a kind of stew; almost invariably, however, it is served with the crisp French-style bread known locally as pan de flauta–no butter.  Next would come congri, which is rice cooked with black or red beans, eaten with picadillo a la criolla, which translates out as mincemeat native style, but which tastes something out of this world, due to the seasoning it contains.  (Note: Cuban food is always highly seasoned, but very seldom, if ever, hot.  The

Johnny's Dream Club advertisement

seasoning used are relatively mild, to heighten the taste of the food, not disguise it by burning your tongue into uselessness: thyme, garlic, oregano, saffron, bay-leaves, are some of the commoner ones).  As a side dish, fried green plantains, which, in the very unlikely event of your not being familiar with them, are something like oversized bananas, but never eaten raw, being used instead for boiling or frying, whether–green or ripe.  A simple lettuce, tomato and cucumber salad, made with salt, vinegar and olive oil, rounds out the meal.  In this menu, two Spanish bean stew, loaded heavily with pork and Spanish sausage, might be substituted for the ajiaco; their names are fabada asturiana and caldo gallego.  Menu two, and excellent Lenten meal, would begin with a black bean stew, made without any meat at all, though you'd never guess it from the taste, and which is often eaten with rice, and a little olive oil thrown in for extra flavor.  Next would come a parguito frito, a little fried snapper, or a breaded filet of snapper, or a rueda or slice of sailfish, snapper or grouper, eaten with fried potatoes or green plantains.  To accompany either of these meals, cold Cuban beer (wine, in Cuba, is for arroz con pollo, or lechon asado, at Christmas; it is seldom drunk at mealtimes otherwise) and for desert, of course, cream cheese with guava sections (cascos de guayaba) or preserved orange or grapefruit sections.  Finish off with a cup of café solo, the strong black coffee which makes the American demitassee [demitasse] about as strong as watered coke in comparison.

These were but two of the dozens of combinations that could have been suggested here; we chose them as be-

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[To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]
Dorthy [Dorothy] Dandridge visiting the Cuban Art Center, the famous movie star and singer is being attended by the Director of the Cuban Art Center, Sepy Dobronyi, famous jeweler and artist. ~ The Cuban Art Center was inaugurated only a few weeks ago with tremendous success and has gained the admiration of the visiting American [American] public.
Cuban Art Center advertisement

ing typical of the meals that ten thousand Cubans eat every day in hundreds of restaurants in Havana.  Anyone wanting to learn some more can invite us to lunch: we'll be glad to give him all the other menus he wants.  Just one thing though: no seafood for this writer.  We break out in spots and itch all over if we have to eat it.  However we have no objection to your eating it while we eat something more to our liking.  Steak and fried potatoes, say.

Everyone knows, we suppose, that in 1762, after a two month's siege, the English took Havana and remained in possession of the Capital for almost a year, until the Treaty of Paris returned Cuba to Spanish control in 1763.  But few people realize that in exchange for the return of Havana, Span ceded he whole of Florida to England.  Thinking it over carefully, that's what we call a proper sense of values (Knock, knock).

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– Scene near Nueva Gerona

NO theaters, no nightclubs, less taxis–all this adds up to an than half a dozen hotels, few ideal vacation on the Isle of Pines.

This small island off  he southern coast of Havana is one of the loveliest spots in the Caribbean, and in spite of being so easy to get to, it is almost unknown except by name, even to the inhabitants of Cuba, to which it belongs.

About seventy miles off-shore, the small island has had a chequered history.  Discovered by Columbus himself on his second voyage in 1494, and named the Isle of the Evangelist by him, Isle of Pines was virtually abandoned for centuries, inhabited only by a few Indians and an occasional Spancipal pirate centers of the whole Caribbean, until the Spanish and British finally succeeded in stamping out piracy in the West Indies.  The Isle of Pines then sank once again into relative oblivion, until the past century, when its many marble quarries began to be worked extensively, and many farms were established there.

After Cuba's successful War of Independence ended in 1898, the Isle of Pines was not included in the Treaty of Paris, which confirmed Cuba's sovereignty, as part of the naish garrison.  But in the Seventeenth Century, farsighted pirates realized that it would make an ideal base for their operations, and for many, many years the island was one of the prin-

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Floridita advertisement

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– A grapefruit grove near Santa Fe

tional territory, and it was generally believed that it would go to the United States.  Hundreds of American settlers moved down, lured by the glowing advertisements which painted the island as a tropical paradise.  And for once the advertisements did not lie: the island was all that had been promised.  Farms and citrus plantations were started, and the island prospered as exports mounted.  But in 1925 the Hay-Quesada Treaty between the U. S. and Cuba recognized Cuba's right to the Island, and most of the American settlers returned to the States, leaving behind a handful of ghost towns, which had existed only a couple of decades.  Once more the Isle of Pines became almost forgotten, its few thousand inhabitants virtually isolated from their fellow citizens on the mainland.  By this time the California and Florida citrus boom had made the importation of grapefruit and oranges from the Isle of Pines unprofitable.  During the war, a lot of low-grade iron ore, which abounds on the island, was shipped out, but that, too, ceased, with the end of hostilities.  Piles of the ore may still be seen on the wharves at Nueva Gerona where it was dumped to await transport north.

But recently Isle of Pines has been stirring again. Citrus is being exported once more, and truck farming is becoming a big business, with tons of cucumbers and other vegetables being flown out daily to Florida markets.  Cattle raising is on the increase, and there are rumors that the swampy mid-isle section is going to be used for large scale rice growing.  There are other rumors going about too, rumors that have stirred up a lot of

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Banana Cordial advertisement

interest in local and foreign circles: reports of the existence of radioactive minerals, and what is more likely, the therefore more important, of large tungsten deposits.

It is, however, in the tourist field that the greatest signs of a new life for the Isle of Pines are to be seen.  Many Cubans from the mainland are building homes here, and it is generally believed that hotels and motels will be next under construction.  On the southern coast, beyond the swampy central section, a Cuban-American combine is said to have bought several  hundred acres of land and beach where they intend to develop a tourist resort that will rival Varadero.  The Cuban government has authorized the holding of bullfights on the island, and various local promoters are actively interested in this.  More and more Cubans and foreigners are finding out for themselves that the medicinal waters of the island's many thermal and mineral springs possess remarkable therapeutic properties, and even more are discovering what certain sportsmen have known for many years: that for a different, thoroughly restful vacation, there's no place like the Isle of Pines.

True, there's no nightlife, no bright lights, few shops.  But there are many

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Fin de Siglo advertisement
Map Isla de Pinos

other things that make up overwhelmingly for the absence of these things, which after all are to be found, on a large scale, a few miles away in Havana.

What is there to attract the visitor to the Island? Well, to begin with, there's some of the loveliest scenery in all of Cuba, there.  Next–and this is highly important in these days of tension torn nerves and nervous breakdowns for all–it is one of the quietest, most peaceful spots on earth.  Does this mean that it is a dull boring place?  Well, yes, it does–if you absolutely must have a nightclub, and the clamorous noises of a city in order to be entertained.  But most people find that there is more than enough to do on the island.

To begin with, there's the traditional tourist pastime, sightseeing.  The Model Prison, one of the most up-to-date penal establishments in the world, attracts a lot of visitors, who almost invariably leave it loaded down with samples of the inmates' excellent handicrafts.  Then there are the citrus plantations, Jones Jungle, one of the outstanding tropical botanical collections anywhere, the marble quarries, the deserted towns in the hinterland,

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  – An abandoned church on the island   – Bibijagua Beach

or, if you just like to roam, there are horses and cars available so that you can cover the island to your hart's content.

Hunting is quite good on the Isle of Pines: quail, doves, duck, pheasant and some wild pig are to be found there.  The fishing is, to put it mildly, very mildly, fabulous.  Perhaps one of the reasons that the island is not be better known, it has been suggested, is that for years the principal visitors there were fanatical fishermen who were in no hurry to let others in on the secret of their rich new fishing grounds.  Boats are available on the island, fully equipped for everything from a couple of hours of looking for snapper to a week's trip fishing for sharks or sailfish or what have you; and rare is the fisherman who disembarks empty-handed from one of these trips.  If you are a swimming fan, the island abounds in lovely beaches, including one, Playa Bibijagua, whose sand is black.  Yes, we know it sounds funny: who ever heard of black sand at a beach?  But the fact remains that the sand at Playa Bibijagua is, not brown, not gray, but black.

Accommodations?  Ample and comfortable.  Nueva Gerona, the capital of the Island, has two hotels; the Isla de Pinos and the Virginia; a few miles out of town there is guest house, the Rancho Rockyford, which is open from November through May, and in Santa Fe, the island's second town, there is a large up-to-date hotel, the Santa Fe, which has its own thermal spa and swimming pool.  Fishing and hunting trips and sightseeing tours may be arranged through the hotels, as well as transportation for any trips you may want to make around the island.

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– [no caption – looks like an open rural café]  – Las Casas, River

Getting to the isle of Pines is easy.  From Havana there is a special train every evening for the port of Batabanó where connections are made with the ship to Nueva Gerona, which makes the overnight voyage in around ten hours.  Cars may be taken over on these steamers at a reasonable price.  Aerovias Q has two daily flights to Nueva Gerona, the trip lasting around thirty-five minutes.  Round-trip fares are about the same: $12 for the train-boat trip ($15 with private cabin) and $12.95 for the plane.  Transportation from the airport to Nueva Gerona costs about a dolar [dollar], while passengers going to the Santa Fe Hotel are taken there free by the hotel's station-wagon.

All in all, a vacation on the Isle of Pines will prove, no matter what your tastes are, a truly unforgettable experience.

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Full page advertisement for Banana Cordial

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 – Antelopes – Flamingoes

Have you ever been to our Zoo?  We ask this, because for too many people this outing is mere distraction, apt–as the Film Review Board says–for children under 12.  And too many of these people sneer at the thought of visiting the Zoo.

The first thing one notices on entering Havana's Zoological Park, as our zoo is called, is that this is not a classic, formal and orderly Zoo such as is found in Europe's old cities, or in modern cities anywhere with pretensions to being great metropolis.  Our Zoo is something different, very Cuban, not at all the official model Zoo.

Our Zoological Park has a lot of Park and little Zoological.  It is a beautiful spot, well-tended, clean and gay, with large and well-cared-for gardens; with shady nooks for relaxing and chatting; with toys and open spaces for the children to play and have fun in.  It is the city's breathing place, a site for enjoyment, rest and innocent pleasure, which in addition has some handsome specimens of our native fauna, as well as many interesting imported animals.

The wild animals, of course, are foreign.  But because it is expected of us we do have a group of lions, tigers and bears, children's classic preferences in wild animals, and we fill the rest of the Zoo with charming little Cuban animals, cute, lovable and sufficiently strange to the average visitor to make him feel that each cage contains a rare find.

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  – Flamingoes [To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]
Gaviria Restaurant advertisement

Birds of the most dazzling hues and thrilling songs are set loose within enormous cages which contain growing bushes and even trees, there to live freely, not knowing that they are imprisoned by the almost invisible wire mesh that surrounds their comfortable abode.

There are the tocororo, the sinsonte, the arriero and the exotic hummingbird flashing among the slower flocks of parrots parakeets and tomeguines.  Over here are the waterfowl happily splashing and feeding in their lagoons and winding streams: cranes and king herons, geese and ducks and venerable pelicans, of the species whose name has become known all over the U.S. in relation with another kind of tough bird altogether: the alcatraz.

Those rocky islets are where the simians hang out: monkeys and apes of all sizes and kinds have their houses–and their trapezes–there.  There are also small meadows where our tiny Cuban deer live, whose fawns muzzle you searching for tit-bits or peanuts and drink milk eagerly from bottles brought by children not much bigger than themselves.

We don't have any rhinoceroses, giraffes nor hippopotami, those African exports so well-known and expensive, which are the pride of large

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  – [no caption] [To see a full size photo, right click and VIEW IMAGE]
Matusalem Rum advertisement

Zoos.  Nor do we have specimens of our fine native horses, which we should have, nor our indigenous cattle, nor the jibaro or wild dog which is dying out, nor the jabali or wild boar.  But we do have any number of jutias congas and the like.

For every Cuban, it is strongly recommended that he visit the Zoo: previous acquaintance is a virtual necessity against the time when inevitably he will have a small children clamoring to be taken there for picnics on Saturday afternoons and sleepy Sunday mornings.

But for the foreign visitor who comes here to see what he doesn't have at home, a visit to the Havana Zoo will bring him new sights.  It won't call to mind a warehouse, nor a museum; there are no filled shelves nor streets lined with cages on either side.  It is not an old curiosity shop nor a Noah's Ark.  It is a pleasant, charming spot where one goes for a good time rather than see animals.  It is not a place to teach nor to learn but simply to find distraction, peace of mind and a quiet sun-drappled happiness.

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Bambu Club adverisement with three photos

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– Tropicana Cabaret. ~ A scene from the production "Mexican Fantasy", in which are seen Leonela Gonzalez and Henry Boyer appearing on a "ball room lift".


"It looks as Havana is becoming a branch from Las Vegas"...Those are the very same words that a movie producer from Hollywood said to us a few days ago.  Just imagine that a few years ago there was only one place with a gambling casino in the whole island, and up to this date there are seven of them including the ones at the race tracks and at Jai Alai game house.  Along with the gambling houses the shows at the nightspots has been increasing with a better spectacle, and now days they have the luxury of "importing" singers directly from Hollywood and France.  Today is very hard to make up your mind about visiting a nightspot, because you may tell to yourself that MONTMARTRE is presenting a top star from France, but instead TROPICANA is showing another top at-

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– Picture taken diring [during] rehearsal of a production at Montmartre
PHOTO – Entrance to "Louis Candela's Cave", inside of la "Tasca Espanola"

traction from Hollywood, and Sans Souci is showing a marvelous crooner from the States, etc., and it makes you feel like seeing them all at once.

For instance lets take a ride over to Sans Souci, and we find that genius Lefty Clark has on the stage beginning the 6th of this month one of America's best crooners, Mr. Tony Martin.  Also we had the pleasure of seeing during the last month of February at Sans Souci, wonderful Dorthy [Dorothy] Dandridge who plays the role of Carmen Jones in the picture with same name, and also another actress from the screen Joanne Gilbert.  All

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– Cabaret Tropicana. ~ Nora Osorio, Ofelia Garcia, Elizabeth, Alicia Figueroa and Jenny, are seen dancing along with the rythmns [rhythms] of the French "drums".

La Zaragozana advertisement

this shows presented at the fabulous nightspot have been possible by the management of Mr. Clark, whom since took over this rustic cabaret is delighting the crowd with the best of shows.

TROPICANA, well known all over the world as the "Paradise under the Stars", is presenting on the stage the "hit singer" of the moment, the men that made of Tenderly's recording sell like "hot bread.  Mr. Nat (King) Cole.  This is one of the many attraction that Cuban's producer Mr. Rodney has in mind in his 230,000 dollars show.  Another of TROPICANA surprise is the showing on the stage of Mr. Rythmn [Rhythm]... Billy Daniels; whom will appear the 16th of this month in both Rodney produc-

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– Mary, dancing partner of Renny at BambuLucio Iandoli, producer at Bambu

Morro 60 Rent-A-Car advertisement

tions "Mexican Fantasy" and "Tropic Nights".  Both of this productions formed by a group of sixty dancers and Chorous [chorus] singers have the figures [continues on page 30]

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Miami Restaurant advertisement

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  – Night and Day Cabaret. ~ If our readers were doubling the existence of these "superchickens", here you have a small sample.  From left to right: Mary, Marta Guille, Nenita and Aida.

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PHOTO – Cobaret [Cabaret] Tropicana. ~ The production named "Mexican Fantasy", has received the unanimous approval from the most demanding newspaper criticiser [criticizer], since the day of its debut.  Here is one of the many scene, in which our reader may judge the magnificence of the wardrobe.
  – In one scene the production "Tambo" at BAMBU, are seen Mary, Olga Gonzalez and Manteca.

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  -- During the "trip" of production "Carlyle Around the World", we are now right in the middle of the west in Oklahoma, and how safe we feel with these cowgirls well armed.  From left to right Elenita Samanich, Gladys Ziscay, Nelsy Vega, Maria, Maribel and Maria Eugenia

– Below. ~ Another scene of the Production at MONTMRTRE

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  – SKAL. Members were celebrating at the BODEGUITA DEL MEDIO. There isn't a better place in the city with the best of our typical Cuban food.

La Bodeguita del Medio advertisement

[text continued from page 26]
of Cuba's best mambo dancing couple Ana Gloria and Rolando, whom for their dancing quality have maintain themselves through all Rodney's productions.  Some others Stars at the show are D'Aida Quartet, Leonela Gonzalez, Xiomara Alfaro, etc.  This montecarlo of the America keeps its shape into the best of shows.

At MONTMARTRE, producer Carlyle is given the best off his little cute head when presenting on the stage the production titled "Around the World".  The crowd at the only listening of the production's name has taken over this nightspot every single night since its debut the 15th of January.  Carlyle now announce for the 15th of April the great French man Maurice Chevalieur, and for the coming 4th of May wonderful songstress Jacqueline Francois, another of

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  – Dario.  Rrums [drums] player at Tropicana.

– Sonia Calero. Star in the production at Sans Souci.

France top attraction in this little French corner of the America.  At the production beautiful Chorous [chorus] girls Gladys Ziscay, Nelsy Vega, Maria, Maribel, Maria Eugenia, and many others that will help you spend a nice evening.

BAMBU, rustic nightspot at Rancho Boyers [Boyeros] Highway, presents Italian producer Lucio Iandoli with one of his best production–"Tambo" which has gathered many of Cuban best dancers, singers and now the voice of Italian singer Miguel Angel Verso.  Also on the stage the typical dancing couple Mary-Renny, Cuban vedette Mary Esquivel, popular drums player

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  – Otelia de Armas. Chorous [chorus] girl at MONTMARTRE.

Castillo de Jagua advertisement

"Manteca", and a cast of thirty Cuban beauties.

Hector del Villar at beautiful NIGHT AND DAY, has just finished setting up two wonderful production titled "Blue Brick" and "The Moon on Waikiki".  The heading cast of both productions are Cuban "guaracha" singer Juana Bacallao, Sonia Saavedra and Rudy, and singer and master of Ceremonies Mexican Victor Manuel.  This is another nightspot on Rancho Boyeros Highway.

LAS VEGAS is one of the many nightspots that has begun the year with a stage show.  This enchanting cabaret on the Vedado section presents every so often different singers dancers of our very best from TV and Radio, at the Blue Room

PENNSYLVANIA and PANCHIN presents wonderful shows every night.  These two magnificent cabarets are located on the way to Marianao Beach.  Another nightspot near by Rancho Boyeros highway is TOPEKA, with an splendid floor show.

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 – Minet Cedan. – Rosa Blanco. Chorous [chorus] girl.

CASINO PARISIEN, the newly opened nightspot at the National Hotel, presents on the stage the CBS recording star Felicia Sanders, whom now amuses the crowd with her delightful voice.

As you see, my dear traveler, coming to Havana this season and seeing the shows will make your trip a worth while one.  And when it comes to dine out, don't forger that there are many places serving food in every styles: French, American Italian, Spanish, Cuban, etc. such as: TWENTY ONE CLUB, MONSEIGNEUR, SORRENTO, GAVIDIA, SARAGOZANA, MES AMIS, BODEGUITA DEL MEDIO, WILLIES, FLORIDITA, PALACIO DE CRYSTAL, etc.

Well my good friend I have to leave you now wishing you that your staying in Havana will be a delightful one.  So long.

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PASSPORTS.  U.S. and Canadian citizens do not need passports to enter Cuba as tourists, but they must have bonafide documentary evidence which will prove to the transportation companies that they are citizens of those countries.  Visitors from other countries must comply with passport regulations.  French and Swiss citizens are exempt from the visa requirement and British subjects holding U.K. and Northern Ireland passports may also enter Cuba without visas.

TOURIST CARD.  The Tourist Card which visitors to Cuba receive from the transportation companies, or when they arrive in Cuba, costs $2.50, and is valid for two years.  This Card should be saved as no duplicates are issued.

CUBAN CUSTOMS REGULATIONS.  Tourist are permitted free entry of regular baggage, including automobiles, trailers, amateur photo and movie cameras, portable radios and typewriters, 400 cigarettes, fishing equipment and guns (not rifles) for hunting purposes.

DRIVING IN CUBA.  Tourists are authorized to drive automobiles in Cuba, provided they possess for this purpose legal authorization from their country of origin, which they are obliged to present to the Cuban authorities when requested to do so.

AUTOMOBILES FOR SELF-DRIVING.  Automobiles are available in Havana for drive-yourself rental.


TOURIST POLICE SECTION.  The National Police Department has a "Tourist Section" dedicated to the attention and protection of our visitors.  Its members can be easily distinguished by the arm badge marked: "National Police Dept. Tourist Division".

GUIDES.  There is a well organized corps of authorized English-speaking Guides whose service can be obtained at a reasonable rate, either by arrangement with the hotel management or through the offices of the Cuban Tourist Institute.  Both service and fees are officially regulated.  Be sure to see the Guide's license and badge.

INFORMATION.  The Cuban Tourist Institute has an office, located at Carcel No. 109, near Prado Blvd., Havana, where, without charge of any kind, the visitor will be given all the information he may desire: and, should he wish, itineraries for excursions through the interior of the country will also be gladly prepared.  The Cuban Tourist Institute also has an Information Office in Miami at 336 E. Flagler Street.

The postage rate for Aid Mail service between Cuba and the United States of America, its possessions and Canada is 12 cents for the first ½ oz. Or fraction thereof, and 12 cents for each additional half ounce.  Regular Mail: 4 cents for each ounce or fraction thereof and 3 cents for post cards.

Although this is the smallest province of the Island it has a population of 1,544,000, of which over 800,000 are inhabitants of Havana, Capital of the Island.  The Isle of Pines forms part of this province.

The City of Havana is particularly attractive to visitors because in the course of its four hundred-odd years of existence it has acquired the customs and activities of a gay, modern cosmopolitan city through its contacts with European and American countries–reflected in the splendid boulevards, gardens, parks and the magnificent buildings of ultra-modern architecture-while it has yet retained all the interesting aspects and charms of colonial times found in the primitive city where the narrow streets, cozy little plazas, forts, ancient churches and many others places of interest are located.


MORRO CASTLE.  Famous fortress guarding the harbor of Havana; its construction was commenced in 1589 and finished in 1597.  Because of its interesting and often

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PHOTO – [no caption - possibly Maine Monument]

exciting relics of its past, it is well worth the launch trip across the harbor.

LA CABANA FORTRESS.  This fortress, which extends beyond the Morro, cost $14,000,000.  Its construction began in 1765 and finished in 1774; it was, at that time, considered impregnable.  Today, however it has merely a historical value and is used as a prison.  From this fortress a blank cannon shot is fired at nine every night according to an ancient tradition.

LA PUNTA FORTRESS.  At the Prado.  Built in 1598 to supplement the Morro Castle in the defense of Havana.  It guards the entrance to the harbor.

LA FUERZA CASTLE.  Second oldest fortress in the New World, the construction of which was commenced in 1538 and finished about the year 1544.  From its tower De Soto's wife, Isabel de Bobadilla, scanned the horizon daily for a sight of her husband's ships which never returned from the discovery of Florida.

ATARES CASTLE.  Built in the 18th century.  The obelisk on the side of the hill commemorates the execution of the young Kentuckian Col. William Crittended and 50 companions who had come with an expedition under General Narciso Lopez, to fight for Cuba's liberty.

SAN LAZARO TOWER. (Torreón) Small tower on the Malecón near Maceo Park which in Spanish colonial days was very important as a lookout for pirates.

PRINCIPE CASTLE.  The broad sweep of the Ave. of Independence (Carlos III) leads to the foot of a hill, crowned by the imposing Castle of the Prince, today the jail.  In the cross-section of the surrounding cliffs, are the tunnels which in the times of Spain served as a secret passageway.

CATHEDRAL SQUARE. This has been recently restored to its original glory.  The venerable cathedral is faced by colonial mansions once housing the nobility of Cuba.

COLUMBUS CATHEDRAL.  Ancient structure whose external rugged grandeur conceals a wealth of beautiful vestments and old silver.  The body of Columbus was interred here for many years.

PLAZA DE ARMAS.  Ancient square on which "The Templete", "La Fuerza Castle", the "Lieutenant Governor's Palace", and the "City Hall", described below, are located.

THE TEMPLETE.  On the very spot where the first mass was celebrated in Havana, under the shade of a great Ceiba tree.

CITY HALL.  With its magnificent and ancient colonial patio, it was once the home of the Spanish Governor-General of the Island.

SAN FRANCISCO CONVENT.  This massive edifice, exponent of the austere Spanish style of the XVI century, devoid of fantasy, seems to be inspired by the dual spirit of realism and mysticism.  The Post Office Department now occupies these premises which have not lost their conventual atmosphere.

SECTION OF OLD CITY WALL.  Opposite Presidential Palace.  Formerly, Havana was completely surrounded by an old wall locking Havana in after the nine o'clock curfew.  A section facing the Presidential Palace has been carefully preserved as a relic of the past.  (The cannon shot is still fired at 9:00 p.m.)

PRESIDENTIAL PALACE.  A handsome and modern structure combining various architectural styles.  The commanding feature of this palace is glass-tiled dome dominating the neighborhood.

MALECON DRIVE.  This beautiful drive is separated from the open sea only by the heavy stone wall which gives it is name.

STUDENTS' MEMORIAL.  This monument is at the end of the Prado, and commemorates the unjust execution of eight medical students in 1871 by Spanish volunteers.

NATIONAL AMPHITHEATRE.  On Port Avenue.  A magnificent marble structure where, under tropical skies, beautiful public band concerts are held frequently.

PARQUE MACEO.  Beautiful park honoring the great patriot Maceo who is immortalized by an equestrian statue in the center of the park.

FRONTON JAI-ALAI.  At Concordia 556.  Games are held at this "fronton" every evening except on Mondays and Fridays.

FRONTON HABANA-MADRID.  At Belascoain 903.  Games are held every after-

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PHOTO – [looks like Paseo de Marti]

noon at 3:00 p.m. and Mondays & Fridays at 9:00 p.m.

MAINE MONUMENT.  Cuba's handsome memorial in honor of the heroes of the U.S.S. Maine located on the Malecon Drive.  The cannons and chains on the monument were salvaged from the decks of the ill-fated battleship.

CAPITOL.  This majestic palace has no equal as to grandeur or luxury in Latin America.  Costing 28 million dollars, the Capitol impresses visitors with its sumptuous decorations, its noble proportions, and rich materials: marble, stone, gilt, bronze and precious woods.

PARQUE CENTRAL.  Flanked by the famous open-air cafes where the orchestras rival each other in feminine pulchritude and in the quality of their rumba music, Central Park is the starting point for our nightlife and the customary promenade down the Prado.  In the center of the park is the statue of Jose Marti, the apostle of Cuban Liberty.

CENTRO ASTURIANO.  Medical aid and cultural society with a membership of about 70,000.  A beautiful ball room, all marble stairs and famous tiled bar are the architectural high-lights of this building with so much social significance.

NATIONAL THEATRE AND CENTRO GALLEGO.  In this beautiful opera house the world's greatest singers have appeared.  The Centro Gallego is another medical aid and cultural society similar to the Centro Asturiano.

ZOOLOGICAL GARDEN.  Located on 26th Street at Carretera de Aldecoa, Alturas del Vedado.

SPORTS PALACE.  This magnificent building is the scene of very good boxing matches & other interesting sports events.  Located at the foot of Paseo Blvd., Vedado.

COLON CEMETERY.  Twenty-third Street leads to this Cemetery.  Millions have been spent here in marble mausoleums, tombs and general decorations.

PAN-AMERICAN FRATERNITY TREE AND PARK.  Planted in Fraternity Park in 1928 at time of the Sixth Pan-American Conference held in Havana, this tree symbolized the fraternal affection of the Americas, springing as it does from soil gathered from the 21 American countries.

PASEO DE MARTI. (THE PRADO) This sumptuous and historic avenue, called the Champs Elysees of Havana, extends from Fraternity Park to the water front.

UNIVERSITY OF HAVANA.  This University was founded 210 years ago, and its modern buildings, thousands of students and collaborating faculty uphold the tradition of excellence which it has held since its foundation.  Annexed to the University is the Calixto Garcia Hospital.

QUINTA DE LOS MOLINOS.  The University Botanical Garden is today an interesting tropical garden but was formerly the Country Residence of the Spanish Governors and was mentioned in "Anthony Adverse".

GRAN STADIUM OF HAVANA.  Where Professional and Amateur Base Ball Championships are held every year.

 MAXIMO GOMEZ MONUMENT.  On Avenida de las Misiones.


American Embassy   Calzada & M Sts., Vedado  FO-3151
Anglo-American Welfare  9 San Juan de Dios St.  M-2654
Anglo-American Community Hosp. 352 2nd St., Vedado   F-6651
British Embassy   Edificio Bolivar, Carcel & Morro Sts. A-2905
Canadian Embassy   Ambar Motors Bldg., Infanta & 23rd UO-9457
Cuban Tourist Institute  109 Carcel St.    ML-1670
Haitian Legation   68 20th Ave., Miramar  B-8377
Mexican Consulate   156 19th St., Vedado   F-3903
National Police Headquarters  Chacon and Cuba St.   M-7100
Tourist Police Department  420 Oficios St.   M-8339
Venezuelan Consulate  Monserrate & Empedrado Sts. M-8002
Spanish Embassy   161 7th St., Vedado   FO-1637

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La Zaragozana advertisement


ALAMAC, Galiano 308
AMBOS MUNDOS, Obispo 153
ARECES, Prado 106
ATLANTIC. 1ST Ave., Miramar
BIARRITZ, Prado 519
BRISTOL, Amistad 305
BRUZON, Bruzon 217
CARIBBEAN, San Ignacio and Chacon
COLINA. Land 27th Sts., Vedado
COMODORO, 72 and Mar, Miramar
GRAN AMERICA, Industria 502
GRAN HOTEL, Ave. Brasil 557
LINCOLN, Galiano 164
MONTSERRAT, Ave., Belgica 401
NACIONAL DE CUBA, 21 and O. Vedado
NUEVA ISLA, Monte 259
OCEAN, Malecon 69
PACKARD, Prado 51
PARKVIEW, Colon 101
PERLA DE CUBA Amistad 548
PLAZA, Central Park
PRESIDENTE, Calzada and G. Vedado
PUERTO PRINCIPE, Playa Cuba, Guanabo.
REGINA, Industria 410
RITZ, Neptuno 514
REGIS, Prado and Colon
ROYAL PALM, Industria 354
SAN CARLOS, Ave. Belgica 507
SAN LUIS, Belascoain 73
SIBONEY, Prado 355
SURF, Malecon 31
TOLEDO, 25 No. 202 Vedado
TROTCHA, Calzada 758, Vedado
VEDADO, O. entre 23 y 25
VICTORIA, 19 No. 191 Vedado
APARTMENT HOTEl, 8 and 19 Vedado

ARBOLEDA, National Hotel. O & 21st Sts., Vedado
AMERICA, 269 Italia Avenue.
BAHIA. 56 Puerto Avenue
CARMELO, 515 Calzada Avenue, Vedado
CARMELO, 23rd St. between G & H Sts., Vedado
CASTILLO DE JAGUA, 23rd and G Sts., Vedado
CHEZ MERITO, President's & Calzada Avenues, Vedado
CLUB 21. 21ST and O Streets, Vedado.
THE COLONY. 102 21ST Street, Vedado.
LAS CULEBRINAS. 1263 Calzada Ave., Vedado
EL BATURRO, 661 Egido St.
EL FARO DE SAGUA, 602 F. St., Vedado.
FLORIDITA, 557 Obispo St.
GAVIRIA, 101 Calzada St., Vedado
HONG KONG, 23rd and 26th Sts., Vedado
MIAMI, Prado & Neptuno Sts.
MAR Y TIERRA, 65 Padre Varela St.
MES AMIS, 7 and 12, Miramar
PALERMO, 252 Amistad St.
PARIS, Cathedral Square
PRADO 86. 264 Prado Boulevard
PUERTO DE SAGUA, 415 Acosta St.
RADIOCENTRO, 23rd & L. Streets, Vedado
SEVILLA, Sevilla Biltmore Hotel
TALLY-HO, 23rd & L Streets, Vedado
LA REGULADORA, 412 Amistad St.
SIGLO XX, 251 Padre Varela & Neptuno Sts.
EL TEMPLETE. 1 Narciso Lopez St.
TERRAZA, 001 17 St., Vedado
VIENES, 402 K Street, Vedado
VEDADO HOTEL, O between 23rd Sts., Vedado
WILLIE'S BAR, (Restaurant) 21 St and N Sts., Vedado
LA ZARAGOZANA, 355 Belgica Avenue
CASA SUAREZ, 10 San Lazaro St.
SORRENTO, Calzada & 20, Vedado
PULLMAN RESTAURANT, 312 Consulado Street
EL PACIFICO, San Nicolas & Zanja Sts.
LA CONCHA, Marianao Beach
RIO RITA, Guanabo Road
MR. LUCKY, Via Blanca
RIO CRISTAL, Rancho Boyeros Road
SAIGON CLUB, 5th Ave & 44, Miramar
TERRAZA CLUB, Cojimar Road
TOPEKA CLUB, Rancho Boyeros Road.

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EL ENCANTO. (Galiano & San Rafael Sts.)  Havana's largest department store, the accent hare is on quality.  Their French Salon handles dresses by Dior, and the perfume counter has what is probably the largest stock of perfumes in Cuba.

HERMAN'S STORE.  (Prado 256, opposite the Sevilla-Biltmore).  For twenty-five years, Herman's has been a Mecca for tourists.

FIN DE SIGLO. (San Rafael & Aguila Sts.)  Another large department store dealing in quality merchandise, you might say it plays Saks To El Encanto's Bonwit Teller, or viceversa.

FUSTE SHOP (208 Amistad St.) Heard our Cuban music?  Like it?  Want to take some back to play for the folks back home?  Well, here's the place to get your records.


CLUB 21 (N & 21st., Vedado) Specializes in seafood and American beef.

MIAMI (Corner of Prado & Neptuno) Spanish, American and Cuban cooking; every kind of local fruit can be bought here.

PALACIO DE CRISTAL (Corner of San Jose & Consulado Sts., across the way from the Capitol) Recently decorated, or rather, rebuilt.  International cuisine.

FLORIDITA International CUISINE. Cradle of the frozen Daiquiri

CASTILLO DE JAGUA (23rd St. & Avenida de los Presidentes, Vedado) Like rice?  Like seafood?  Like them both?  Here's an ideal spot to go to try out two classical dishes: paella valenciana, and arroz con mariscos.  You won't regret it.

EL BATURRO (651 Egido St.)  If you've ever wanted to eat real Spanish food in a real Spanish tavern, this is the place to do it.

RANCHO LUNA (Km. 1, Torrens Highway).  This Cuban farm offers various attractions to the tourist, such as cock-fights; but the local set consider it a fine place to eat typical Cuban food.

EL CARMELO.  (Calzada & D Sts., Vedado) For years this had been an institution among Havana society.  The cooking is exceptional, and the menu one of the most varied in town, as is the wine cellar.

LA ZARAGOZANA, (355 Monserrate St.)  One of the oldest of Havana's restaurants.  One of the best places in town to get seafood; the service here is also exceptionally good.

GAVIRIA.  (Calzada & M Sts., across from the U.S. Embassy) One of the newest and at the same time most popular spots in town.

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According to the regulations of the United States Government, each returning resident of that country may take back with him on his return from Cuba, free of import duty and revenue tax, 200 dollars worth of merchandise purchased abroad, for personal use and consumption, or as gifts provided he has been absent from the territory of the United States at lest 48 hours, but less than 12 days, and has not taken advantage of this exemption within a period of 30 days from the last exemption claimed.  In addition, residents who have been away for more than 12 days, are permitted to take back 300 dollar more in value of merchandise (excluding distilled spirits, wines, malt liquors and cigars, which may be included in the 200-dollar exemption), under the same conditions.  This additional exemption shall only apply if the resident has not taken advantage of it within the six month period immediately preceding his return to the United States.

It is advisable to obtain a signed receipt whenever merchandise is purchased, stating the name of the articles and the prices paid for them, which must be presented to the Customs Inspector on return to the United States.

Cigars.  Only 100 cigars may be included in the above exemption.

Perfumes.  Returning residents can apply the entire amount of their exemption to the purchase of perfumes, but in the case of certain brands restricted by Section 526 of the U.S. Tariff Act, they should consult the storekeeper or the Cuban Tourist Commission, who will supply the information desired in regard to these brands.

Liquor.  Returning residents are allowed to take back as part of their exemption only an aggregate of one gallon of liquor (a gallon is equal to 23 cubic inches, which is four quarters or five. 4-5th bottles), although the total of one gallon may be made up of various kinds of liquors.


Varadero has long been considered one of the finest beaches in this Continent because of its size, the color of the sea that has won it the title of "Rhapsody in Blue" give to it by American writer, its soft white sand that looks like powdered silver, the mildness of its climate and the incomparable beauty of its scenery.   At all seasons of the year this beach is the meeting place of fashionable, cosmopolitan world.
Sports: Swimming, fishing, yachting, bowling, riding, tennis, etc.  Temperature: Summer average:  79° F; Winter 71°F.

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There are a number of high class cabarets and night clubs in Havana and its suburbs that offer excellent shows with international stars and typical native music played by the best orchestras in town, to the delight of the dancers who crowd the floor.  Some of them are given below:

TROPICANA.  First class, open-air night club, located on Avenida Trephine, Buenavista suburb.  Excellent music and entertainment.  Two shows nightly.  Clubroom.

MONTMARTRE.  Luxurious Night Club, situated on 23rd Street, Vedado. Magnificent, shows and orchestra.  Club room.

BAMBU CLUB.  Rancho Boyeros Road.  Typical Cuban music and shows.

JOHNNY'S DREAM CLUB.  La Puntilla, Miramar.

EMBASSY.  23 and 26, Vedado.

PALERMO CLUB.  Amistad & San Miguel Sts., Havana.  Air Conditioned. Good dancing music.

MAXIM'S.  3 & 10 Sts., Vedado.  Orchestra.  Air Conditioned.

JOHNNY'S 88.  208 O. St., Vedado.  Air Conditioned with dancing music.

MULGOBA.  Rancho Boyeros Road.  Typical night club.  Good music.

TOPEKA.  Rancho Boyeros Road.  Good music and shows.

CLUB 21.  21st and N. Vedado.  Music, exotic decor.

TONY'S CLUB.  In the heart of Havana, behind the Capitol.

BOULEVARD ROOM.  1st and 54th, Miramar.  Right by the sea; music.

PALETE.  Central Highway.  2 shows nightly.  Dancing.

EL COLMAO.  Aramburu and San Rafael, Havana.  Typical Spanish atmosphere


Havana is the gateway to a country overflowing with tourist attractions.  Before taking our visitors through it, however, we wish to invite them to see the small Isle of Pines, called "Treasure Island" because it is believed that Stevenson used it as the locale for his immortal novel.  It is qualified as small only in comparison with the larger island of Cuba, but it is 1180 square miles, equivalent, for example, to double the island of Guadalupe, three times that of Martinique and capable of containing the celebrated island of Malta twelve times.  It was discovered by Christopher Columbus himself, in 1493, who named it "The Isle of the Evangelist".  It is 76 miles from the southern coast, in an extraordinarily peaceful sea of marvelous colors, and can be reached by boat, and also by daily airplane, in 35 minutes.

The medicinal springs in the Isle of Pines enjoy wide reputation for the excellent cures these waters have effected, especially the springs of Santa Rita, in the town of Santa Fe, where there is a good hotel, American style, the "Santa Fe Hotel", with the medicinal springs at its door.


Bounded on the east by Havana Province, Pinar del Rio occupies the extreme western end of the Island and has a population of 454,900 inhabitants of which about one fourth reside in its capital that bears the same name.  Through this province, where the greatest number of natural beauties in the country are to be found, will pass, in the near future, a section of the Atlantic Caribbean Branch of the Pan American Highway which will considerably shorten the distance between the United States and Central America.  From one of the ports in the province a super ferry will leave for the Peninsula of Yucatán, which will be joined to the Pan-American Highway by a road leading to San Cristobal, Mexico, near the frontier of Guatemala.

The City of Pinar del Rio, capital of the province, is 109 miles from Havana to which it is linked by the Central Highway and by railroad, passing through incomparably beautiful scenes and picturesque towns.  It is the hub from which excursions are made to different points of exceptional attraction in the surrounding country.


This Province, adjacent to that of Havana, is a region surprisingly favored by Nature with landscapes of uncommon beauty and facilities for the enjoyment of sports, especially fishing.  The population of this Province is 400,000.

MATANZAS CITY.  A very pleasant and interesting trip from Havana is that to Bellamar Caves, the most notable in Cuba, whose wondrous interior has not yet been fully explored.

There is restaurant service at the caves and also a landing field, nearby, for the use of private planes.

SAN MIGUEL DE LOS BANOS.  91.6 miles from Havana by highway, nestling in a picturesque region, framed by mountains; it is one of the most renowned Spas in this hemisphere.  The excellence of its minero-medicinal waters has won for it the name of "Vichy of America".


This province, also known as "Santa Clara", occupies a large area of exceptionally fertile land, the greater part of which is destined for the cultivation of sugar-cane.  The population numbers 1,032,800.  Both the north and south coasts are dotted with fine natural bathing beaches of white sand, and the adjacent keys together with the Ocochoa, Primero and Sagua Rivers provide excellent fishing grounds and beds of delicious oysters for which Sagua is noted.  The hunt is also plentiful–quail and wild pigeon in

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Raul Lujan's Tours advertisement

particular.  This province contains more sugar mills than any other and large shipments are made through the important sugar ports of Cienfuegos, on the south coast, and Caibarien on the north.  The countryside is scenic, the San Luis Valley being specially noted for its beauty–and healthful climate.  At one of its highest points–Topes de Collantes–a magnificent building has been erected for a Sanatorium.

There are also several thermal springs in this province, such as San José del Lago, nestling in a picturesque dreamland setting near Mayajigua, a short distance from the Caibarien fishing zone and, for a change, the traveler should see the marvelous caves to be found in various sections of the province, and visit the ancient towns of historic interest which have lain for centuries, like "sleeping beauties", untouched by the progress of civilization, and retained all their pristine charm as, for instance, Trinidad, Sancti-Spiritus and others.


The province of Camagüey has a population of 625,300 inhabitants, and occupies a large area in the central part of the Island whose unusually fertile pastures have made it an important cattle-raising center.  The benign climate makes the winter season the most pleasant of the year.  The warmer temperature of the summer can be avoided by going to any of the charming places in the mountains such as Cubitas, Najasa, etc., where delightful vacations can be spent.  Some of the largest sugar mills in Cuba are located in this province and may be visited during the grinding season.


This province occupies the extreme eastern end of the Island and has a population of 1,813,900, inhabitants.  It has the greatest variety of scenic landscapes in the country and owing to its majestic chain of mountains has been called "The Switzerland of the Tropics".

The famous El Cobre Sanctuary, about 12 ½ miles away from Santiago and prominently appearing among the wooded green of the mountains, is reached by the Central Highway.  It is dedicated to the "Virgen de la Caridad del Cobre", Cuba's Patroness.

SANTIAGO DE CUBA.  Capital of the province, was settled in 1513 by Don Diego de Velazquez, and its first Mayor was Hernán Cortés, conqueror of Mexico.  Santiago was the first metropolis of Cuba and is today one of the oldest cities in America.  Enchanting traces of the colonial epoch are still to be seen: narrow, tortuous streets requiring steps to make their ascent, houses of seignorial and romantic aspect, the remains of its celebrated Morro Castle, and that subtle atmosphere of times long past that fascinatingly contrast with its way of life as a modern capital.

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Tropicana advertisement [entire page which is inside back cover]

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[back cover]
Sans Souci Advertisement .. [with mention of Lefty Clark, a.k.a Willie Bischorf, being new owner]

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